All The Empires Of The World

All The Empires Of The World operate on that strange threshold between ambient music and Very Loud Metal Music. They shift effortlessly between drifting atmospherics, cataclysms of downtuned sludge, shimmering clouds of shoe-gaze noise, creeping ur-Sabbath squeals, seismic low frequency jams, single guitar meditations, beautiful post-rock dashes and transcendental riff worship. The live show is crushingly loud, bruising, beautiful and crushingly loud.

For fans of Jesu, Grails, Boris and Fennesz.

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One disc of frayed and extreme high-BPM blackened doom combined with unsettling, complex post-rock. One disc of exquisite instrumental music for an non-existent art house film. A heavy record, perhaps the heaviest they have ever produced. For multiple meanings of that word.



From broken ambience to heavy riff to folk harmony to post punk thundering to stripped down blues. The most musically diverse and brilliant All The Empires Of The World release yet: euphoric, symphonic, sublime and ridiculous.



All The Empires of the World return with their most expansive and ambitious album to date. Four tracks of furious chug, crushing doom and Jodorowsky desert vibes.



Seven bombastic post-metal paens to the immensity of the universe. Crushingly heavy but with subtleties and an ear for melody that mark it out as a release from a band on top of their game.

Last Rites

Last Rites

Ritualistic distortion and pealing noise melts into spaces that morph into colossal riffs that open into beautiful evocations that close into foreboding caverns of turbulence.