13 August 2008


Posted by Alex at 5:38 pm

Since the start of Records On Ribs we’ve been without a logo and the above header has laboured under a Web-safe font. Eagle-eyed readers among you will have already noticed our lovely new logo that has replaced it. Here it is big, click it for bloody huge.

Wayne Pashley, who also designed the sleeve for Talk Less, Say More‘s ‘It’s About Time’ EP and the collaboration So How Does It Feel To Be Educated?, put this together for us, and naturally we can’t thank him enough for this brilliant hard work. At some point we’ll maybe coerce him lightly into doing a guest post on how the concepts came about. Here is another version of the logo.

Expect T-shirts, mugs, hats and other various wares to wing their way to you presently. For now, sate your appetite by downloading this collection of lovely wallpapers, including one for the iPhone. Want to know which one to use? Then find out your screen resolution.

4 August 2008

Go Lucky Is Out!

Posted by Alex at 12:00 am

Talk Less, Say More’s brilliant Go Lucky is now avaliable for free download and the above wonderfully designed and entirely four dimensional CDs for a small fee.

Enjoy this dazzling record, filled with introspection and innovation. Stay tuned to this site for exciting release news and the debut of our logo – coming, no doubt, to a T-shirt very near you soon!

28 July 2008

Elapse-O Unleashed!

Posted by Alex at 1:00 am

The debut EP by the wonderful Elapse-O is now live and ready for free download. You can also purchase a CD version.

25 July 2008

New Talk Less, Say More Release In The Tubes

Posted by Alex at 11:08 am

Not content with bringing you the debut from the acclaimed Elapse-O we present to you a gorgeous new slice of electro-pop melancholia from Talk Less, Say More.

Talk Less, Say More – Go Lucky

We’re letting this loose on the 4th of August. It’s a fantastic record, that forgets the perfect offerings and acknowledges the cracks in everything and sets these insights in avant pop gems filled with snapping drums and clever production. About seven tracks in on first listen Dave exclaimed “bloody hell, this is brilliant”. It is.

We’ve got a Facebook event for the release date, if you are into such things.

1. The Battle of Borodino (3.33)
2. Up Close, Far Away (4.01)
3. Sensations Spring (3.05)
4. See You In The Morning (3.07)
5. A Song About a Dream About a Phonecall (2.19)
6. Roots Alive (3.27)
7. All Dressed Up Like Love (4.44)
8. Someone Else’s Summer (2.58)
9. Unfledged (1.12)
10. Pillowtalk (5.12)
11. Life in Cold Blood (4.16)

Total Running time: 37.54


Press information is readily avaliable, please e-mail press@recordsonribs.com.

13 July 2008

Elapse-O Out Soon – 28th July

Posted by Dave at 2:17 pm

Sorry it’s been so long. We’ll keep this one brief:

Elapse-O Debut EP Out Soon


Released 28th July. It’ll be free for your downloading pleasure and avaliable for a reasonable price in an absolutely stunning CD-R package. Any past posts giving a different date will be modified by our crack team of Stalinist history revisers.

1. Sonny Liston (6.32)
2. Golden Ships (5.12)
3. Island (5.51)
4. Mars (2.55)

Total Running Time: 20.28

Press Kit

Are you a blogger who writes about music? Do you work for a music magazine or newspaper? Then we have press details for this release. For further information or to recieve a review copy please e-mail press@recordsonribs.com and we’ll get right back to you.

See you all on Monday (after next)!

We have a Facebook event for this release.

8 June 2008

Elapse-O Gig, Records Imminent

Posted by Dave at 7:37 pm

Records On Ribs Present Elapse-O and guests…

First and foremost, our gig beavers have been busy sorting out the following evening of spectacular entertainment in Nottingham to celebrate the impending release of Elapse-O’s self-titled EP- which is already getting some positive press.

recordsonribs.com presents..
@ The Arts Organisation, Station Street, Nottingham,
Friday 27th june @ 8.30pm


Repetition and texture combine to bludgeon the listener into a state of sublime ecstasy. Guitars spew out waves of feedback- like a less studied Fennesz, and strident vocals power ever onwards.

Bloodcurdlingly intense, there’s a real temptation to call Elapse-O a noise band- but that would miss a lot of what they’re about. Noise is a factor, for sure, but there’s just as much in common with more restrained artists. Like Swans at their prime, they use pummelling noise as a means to an end rather than as an end in itself, and there’s a little hint of 60s psych-rock, Suicide and Big Black in their sound.

You know that painting – The Wanderer – by Caspar David Friedrich? Listening to Elapse-O taps into those same emotions: feeling alive in the face of the eternal.

“There’s feedback and noise, sure, but it’s controlled so tightly that there’s substance, warmth and in places real beauty to be had. The whole affair is underpinned by simple, subtle beats, lending them the urgency of Sunroof!’s explosive improv alongside the clinical majesty of ‘Zuckerzeit’-era Cluster.” – Nightshift Magazine

‘Elapse-O are part of a noise niche, but importantly stay clear of nihilistic musical dead-ends. The subtle percussion timbre put out by the drum-machine on ‘Island’ stood in beautiful contrast to the crunching guitars. It was gloriously confused, the humans were trying to be machines and the machines were trying to be human.’- Gigwise

Elapse-O live is like a time-warp back to your childhood, back when you were attempting to make sense of all the sonic clutter around you, except that there is nothing immature about this band. It’s exhilarating – big bright lights exciting.‘- www.drownedinsound.com


All the Empires of the World
Nottingham ambient doom-metallers with a fine ear for riff, melody and texture. What makes them so great is that they’re not afraid to break out of the slooow shackles for a spot of shredding. Fans of Nadja, Pelican and Jesu will find much to enjoy here.


Human Hair
Jack – Human Hair’s singer – was on my girlfriend’s course at uni. He was pretty quiet apparently- sipping tea and speaking of his love of Byron’s poetry. When she saw Human Hair play she couldn’t quite believe her eyes. He was a man transformed- a rampaging, whirling beast of a man laying his humanity (and inhumanity) bare for the audience.

Featuring Mr Henry Withers of Lovvers fame on guitar, Human Hair stretch the foundations of rock music to their very limit and plumb the depths of the human psyche to make exhilirating, personal rock music. Jesus Lizard, Wipers and Pavement perhaps serve as launchpads, but these guys have long left ’em behind…

…And Stars Collide
Post-rock is 99% tedium. A thousand boys with too many pedals and too few ideas; a million fuckwitted threads on drownedinsound. But …And Stars Collide recognise that guitars played loud are still brutally effective and- when done well- there are still thrills aplenty to be had by doing just that.

Over the course of a few shows they’ve admirably prove their point. Their music is direct, urgent and triumphantly cathartic, connecting with the audience on the most primal level. There’s still plenty to be done with that 1%..

The gig’s free to get into, but we will be taking collections to cover our costs. Rather than just donate money though, we suggest you buy a lil something from our merch desk- we’ll have CD-R copies of the new Elapse-O EP plus the first releases on Tapes on Ribs, which will include some EL Heath, The Last King of Punt and hopefully a split tape from Human Hair/All The Empires of the World.

Two New Release In The Tubes

Monday 21st July will see three new releases available for download/purchase on CD-R from Records on Ribs. As well as Elapse-O’s EP, we’ll be releasing The Butterfly’s Time Spent in Reconnaisance Is Never Time Wasted EP. A full length electro-pop album from Talk Less, Say More entitled Go Lucky will follow sooner than you think. More on these soon.

How People Find Records On Ribs

Some search terms which have led people to Records on Ribs…

“sexy web sides”
“sexy web”
“how many ribs do humans have?”
“how many ribs do horses have?”
“do fish have ribs”
“how can I record my ribs?”
“virginia ambient”
“do we show up on radar?”


30 March 2008

Compulsary Upgrade Post

Posted by Alex at 1:44 pm

I’ve just upgraded the site to WordPress 2.5. Everything should function as expected, but if you have any problems don’t hesitate to e-mail me.

In other news, we have three definite and important releases in the coming months, with a number more in the pipes waiting completion. The first is an EL Heath Remix record. The second Elapse-O’s debut EP for us, released both as download and as a physical CD. Thirdly, there is The Butterfly’s final release, the epic Time Spent In Reconnaissance Is Never Time Wasted, which is a frankly stunning record that has been very much part of my listening habits in the past weeks.

Expect more details in the coming weeks.

6 March 2008

Gig on Ribs

Posted by Dave at 6:09 pm

It goes without saying that our bands play gigs. We’re looking to bring you some way to publicise these soon (a gigs page, perhaps!), but for now we would like to bring one particular show to your attention, for it’s being put on by our good friends at High Society here in Nottingham and features our very own Les Etoiles, alongside Rusted Rail Records’ (The Declining Winter/Plinth) space-folk duo Phantom Dog Beneath The Moon and The Anvil, who lists Fairport Convention, Ginnungagap and The Wu-Tang Clan as influences on the aforlinked myspace, which is nay bad thing at all if you ask me.

 Said gig completely FREE, and takes place at Lee Rosy’s Tea Room on Friday 14th April. 

Records on Ribs endorses Lee Rosy’s Team Room’s pu-erh tea.

21 February 2008

Winter Soundtrack Released

Posted by Dave at 7:57 pm

We won’t detain you long, but today sees the release of EL Heath’s Winter Soundtrack- a truly truly remarkable album. Here’s what its maker has to say of it:

 “The album was made in my freezing cold studio on a shit old computer and a lot of red wine. It’s about how whenever I went outside the cut-off point of the day seemed to be 4pm, like I’d be in town then suddenly it was dark and I lost all my energy. I would have plans in the evening and not do anything because of this lack of energy. It’s also about how all the colours in the scenery are simply hidden by the quality of light we get in the winter. It’s not that it is not beautiful, but the colours are hidden by this quality of light and, well, generally the lack of such light.”

Listen or download for free from here.

15 February 2008

Keep Up To Date With Our Releases

Posted by Alex at 2:08 pm

RSSLike all good websites, we already have an RSS feed for our news, the very news you see on this page. But wouldn’t it be good if you could have the same concentrated just on releases, so every time we get a new record out you are made aware of it, and can grab it as soon as possible?

Fortunately Ribcage, the shadowy software that runs this site, allows for it. We have have an RSS feed for releases you can subscribe to and an individual RSS feed for every artist (for example, here is Talk Less, Say More‘s). The format is simple you can even work it out manually – http://recordsonribs.com/artists/your_artist/feed. Just copy and paste the link and add it in your favourite feed reader.

If you are using Firefox (57% of the users to this site) click the RSS icon in the address bar on any page of the site and select “Records On Ribs Releases RSS feed”, or navigate to any of our artist pages or release pages and select (in this case) “EL Heath Releases RSS feed”. Its pretty self explanatory, but if you need a hand, help is here. Never miss a release again!


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