13 February 2008

A New Band! (& other stuff about the old bands)

Posted by Dave at 9:49 pm

The tumult of our launch may be subsiding, but we continue to paddle madly below the surface like the proverbial swan. And this effort is not without its rewards- for we find ourselves in the position of being able to announce to you both new records and new signings, as well as some exciting news about old releases.

We will deal with the latter first.

New Signings

Elapse-OIt brings us enormous pleasure to inform you that Oxford’s quite remarkable Elapse-O will release their debut EP with us very shortly. They’re currently putting the finishing touches to it. We will have more details and a release date very shortly, but the impatient amongst you (and good on you- patience is no virtue) can head over to their myspace page, where they will be battered into submission by the offerings available there. Fans of Swans, Spacemen 3 and being punched so often it starts to feel good will find plenty to enjoy there. More eulogising as to their splendour can be found in this excellent drownedinsound article on southeast noise.

New Releases

Winter SoundtrackFor those whose thrills are of a more genteel nature we are proud to announce a new album length release from EL Heath, which will be released for free download on Thursday 21st Feb. Entitled ‘Winter Soundtrack’, it is exactly that – tunes recorded at Heath’s Shropshire home this winter with the aim of capturing the beauty arising from the marriage of countryside and winter. It’s as gorgeous as you’d expect from Heath – elements of folk weaving their way in and out of the lush ambience. A wintry companion to Virginia Astley’s ‘From Gardens Where We Feel Secure’, perhaps.

Exciting News About a Past Release

EL Heath has also garnered richly deserved praise for his ‘Dusk Dappled Fall’, which is compared to both a major televisual drama and ambient-drone legends Stars of the Lid in angryape’s review. Reviews will soon be incorporated into each album’s page on the ROR site.

In Other News

EL Heath’s mighty fine Reflecting EP is available as a joint release from the lovely folks at My Formica Table and Either/Or Records. Like ourselves, their music is free – and we can vouch for the quality of Reflecting. Its closing track- ‘epick’- must be heard to be believed, and even then skepticism will linger: how can a mortal being produce such wonder from a synthesizer or two and a loop pedal?

Brave New WalesRescuing us from an EL Heath news monopoly come Strap the Button, and the news that they’re on a 3CD compilation entitled Brave New Wales. It’s compiled by the superb Fourier Transform label, and they say this about it: “some of the best new music being made off the grid and under the radar by artists from and/or living in Wales. 4 hours of challenging music spread over 3 discs, with 32 page booklet, housed in a custom foil-embossed box. Limited edition of 1000.” Wow! You can pre-order copies from their website now. It looks absolutely stunning, we have to say.

30 January 2008

A Few Teething Problems

Posted by Alex at 9:59 pm

My housemate just brought it to my attention (about five minutes ago) that we have been accidentally serving up Gay Death Probe‘s brilliant The Night of Long Knives twice. Though the zip file was differently named the files were the same for both of their EPs as MP3 zip files.

So if you’d like to grab The Other Side Of Fabulous Florida go right ahead. Or you can navigate to the files via any of the usual means. We apologise for any disappointment caused.

If you find anything around this site that seems odd or wrong like this, please do not hesitate to drop me an e-mail. We are only human and mistakes can easily happen with 10 releases and many GBs of files flying around our servers. With enough eyes, all bugs are shallow.

24 January 2008

How We Release A Record Digitally

Posted by Alex at 7:40 pm

Some Records...I am proud to announce that we have almost, but not quite, reached the 300 downloads of our releases that I asked you to help with last week. One more push and we should be over that cliff!

In our manifesto we say that “Anyone could do what we are doing”. This is almost certainly the case, and like many labels before us, we are going to let you know, in the DIY spirit, precisely how we do what we do in a series of posts focused on technology and otherwise.

So how do we do it? First off, how do we get a record ready for digital release?

  1. We either receive CDs through the post from our artists, or our artists upload their albums as lossless FLAC files to their FTP accounts on our server. FLACs are, as you might be aware, the same as CD quality, but somewhat compressed. With a CD I carefully rip it to FLAC using Max. Max is a free and open source Mac OS X program that rips CD and converts audio files from format to format with the absolute minimum of fuss. The well regarded Windows equivalent is Exact Audio Copy. I use it instead of using iTunes as a ripper even for importing CDs normally to add to my library. But more of that in a second.With FTP I just grab ’em from the server. I use Cyberduck for FTP, which while not perfect, is very good, and quite acceptable in comparison to similar (but sexier) commercial applications like Transmit.
  2. I tag the FLAC files with a program called Tag! It’s also open source and free and from the same programmer as Max. I ensure the files are tagged correctly with track names and other details and then use Max to automatically convert them to the four different types of music file we use on this site and do neat filenames and tagging. On Records On Ribs we have high quality variable bit rate MP3 (-v 0 --vbr-new LAME for you MP3 snobs out there), FLAC and Ogg Vobris for downloading, 128 kbps constant bit rate MP3 for streaming. To set Max to produce very good quality and potentially transparent MP3s at -v 0 --vbr-new follow these instructions. Originally the plan was to do all this in Ribcage on the server-side using command-line tools (the *nix versions of FLAC, LAME and Ogg), which we did with a couple of records. But our artist’s often odd song titles prevented the script from working properly without an extensive re-write and debug, so I opted for this method.
  3. These files then wing their back over the internet via FTP to the site. To avoid too much carting huge files around around, I create the zip files in a SSH shell logged into our site rather than upload them. I just type in the command and bish bash bosh they are done.
  4. All the details of the release gets added into Musicbrainz and then into our own Ribcage database with relevant copy. Within the next few days I’ll update Ribcage so I’ll only have to enter it on Musicbrainz and it will be slurped into our database with a single click. Artwork is scaled to different sizes and FTPed to the site. Once we click go, it appears live on the site.

Potentially the time between receiving the files over FTP from the artist and having the release live on the site is under two hours, dependent only on internet connection speed. The thing which takes the longest is writing copy about the record, which can sometimes take days if one if having a spot of writers block.

For example, I am assured that a certain artist will be sending a record over to me, possibly even tonight. I’ve got to cook dinner and watch Torchwood, but if he does it should be probably around and about, ready for me to write some copy and post it tomorrow morning, all going well.

Photography by Dan Machold.

20 January 2008

A Lament

Posted by Dave at 8:54 pm

‘Forever and ever endeavour, To be together, forever,and ever…together at the altar with a stake through my heart.’

All good things have to end. But that doesn’t make it any less sad that they do. And on Friday night, The Butterfly (a very good thing indeed) bid their farewell to the world in spectacular fashion. It was an occasion of much merriment- as their gigs always were- but tempered by an enormous sadness for myself, Alex and many others.

Still – we must not get too upset! We console ourselves in the hope that the multiverse theory is true and that in one of these other universes The Butterfly’s bombastic songs of Camus, Freud and the ancient Greeks are filling Wembley stadium. Joy is also to be found in the fact that a brand new The Butterfly EP will be out soon on this here label.

A Plea

We wouldn’t normally ask for donations, but such a calamity befell myself on Friday night that I throw myself upon the kindness of your hearts. For in our attempts to record The Butterfly’s farewell show, I had taken a quarter-inch jack to phono lead up to Leeds with me. I do not have a good history with these leads. For months at university my good friend and housemate Mr.Joel Wright did steal my lead in order that he might listen to music from his laptop via his stereo. My lead soon gave up under the strain of continuous yanking. A replacement was hastily bought, but was lost when I moved house. The replacement for that proved to be of ill-quality and soon packed up. This lead left in Leeds was of superior quality and had been mine for a mere 3 weeks. I’m sure you will sympathise when you understand that now I find myself in the position of having to by another lead, or face not being able to listen to my record collection. Any donations to my ‘new lead fund’ can be made via the donations page.

We thank you.

18 January 2008

The Butterfly

Posted by Alex at 9:30 pm

The Butterfly

This post is set to publish at the time when The Butterfly take to the stage for their last show. I don’t think the final curtain for The Butterfly could have passed without me saying something about it. Or without us, that is, me and Dave, saying something about it. It’s maybe a bit long, but I think necessarily, so you’ll have to click on more to see it all. They will hopefully be releasing two records with us posthumously. These are, of course, much anticipated.

The Butterfly’s music is utterly unique, the cause of much foundering for reference points by journalists and promoters alike. Jump cutting innumerable genres and ideas effortlessly, its bold, arch and confident eclecticism is never cynical and always clever – from a throughly insane racket to a graceful chord change. Songs were stunningly worked, fully equipped with a nuanced sense of dynamics, a wink to grand theatre and an eye for pop. Each and every one is piled high with sheer invention. It is an uncompromising musical vision, an awkward fit to any pigeon hole or scene you would attempt to ram them into.

Read the rest of this entry »

17 January 2008

Thanks and Statistics

Posted by Alex at 2:20 pm

Records On Ribs is a place where downloads happenAs I write this post we have had 1,682 odd hits since our launch, 134 records in total have been downloaded. Hits have come from as far afield as China, Russia and Canada. So, we’d like to thank everyone who has visited, downloaded, listened and hopefully loved our music in the last three days.

If you like the music we are giving away and what we are trying to do here, and have a spare moment over the weekend, why not write an (MP3?) blog, send a Myspace bulletin, post a Facebook link or make a post on a message board about us and the music we provide?

Some of you have already done so already, and we thank you a great deal for it.

The more people that know, the much merrier. Let’s harness this Web 2.0 madness to get free music and new ideas to people! Let’s try and see if we pull together that we can’t get those release downloads up to nearer 300 by this time next week!

Its not all about the launch though. No sir. We have much, much more in the pipeline. Details of new releases from those already on our roster and of releases from new additions to that roster will be announced in the next couple of weeks.

I’ll also be writing a series of posts on how precisely we did this, mainly from a technical angle, but featuring general tips and tricks along the way. We’ll also be rolling out a few new features on the site, including hopefully a Podcast push of our releases that ensures you will never miss one in future, Twitter and Pownce integration and maybe a Facebook application if I really roll up my sleeves. Jell and Dave will be posting too. So keep checking the site, and keep listening!

Thanks again!

(Photography by dweekly)

15 January 2008


Posted by Dave at 12:00 am

Christening the good ship.Well well. The moment is finally upon us. The Queen’s cracked a bottle over our bow and we’ve been slung down the slipway into the murky waters of existence.

Which is a metaphoric way of saying hello, we’ve arrived. And if we may allow ourselves a moment of immodesty, we believe we’ve done so in rather spectacular fashion: no fewer than 10 (count ’em) albums/EPs are available for free download from today. In total that’s 109 tracks in total and many hours of happy listening.

Many of the releases will shortly be available in physical form (two are already) and it is our intention to produce limited edition vinyls and CD-Rs in the future.

To find out more about what we’re doing and why, please read our manifesto.

We’d like to take the opportunity to thank all those who made this possible. Tom Jackson for his designs and patience. Eric Lee for helping with some PHP that had us scratching our heads. Tamsin Worrad for tea and data entry. WordPress. And our brilliant artists, of course.

We welcome comments, suggestions, debates and compliments.

Thanks for your time and merry downloading to you.

Love from all @ ROR.

14 January 2008


Posted by Alex at 10:35 pm


Drop us a line at hello@recordsonribs.com.

We’d love to hear from you.

Demo Policy

We promise to at listen to everything that is sent to us. Keep in mind our roster of artists when you send us material, as we are trying to establish a bit of an ethos.

The best way to send us material is to upload tracks to our SoundCloud DropBox.

The second best is to drop us a line to hello@recordsonribs.com with links to a MySpace or other site where your files are hosted.

Finally ask us in an e-mail and we’ll give you a snail mail address you can send CDs to.


Posted by Alex at 8:57 pm

It doesn’t cost us much to do what we do, but it does cost something. Hosting isn’t free, for example. Neither is paper

If you’d like to give us a hand and keep us going, please chuck us some money via Paypal.

If you’ve liked a particular artist’s work and want us to pass along a donation, then include there name in the PayPal ‘Message To Merchant’ field and we’ll be sure to pass it along.

We also accept Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

It’s About Time – Lyrics

Posted by Alex at 6:29 pm

The End (Has To Start Somewhere)

I’ll start at the beginning,
that is to say, I’ll nominate an arbitrary point
as the seed from which all other contingencies proceed.
Single cell organisms evolve into animals,
and at a critical mass of thought; become conscious,
writing raps about their origins, committing confession to hard drive.
If microprocessors could talk, what stories they would tell
about their organic master’s sombre cycle lives.

We’ll survive our sombre cycle lives,
and when we end, that’s when we’ll arrive.

My head is hiding places that don’t exist
and its filling with the forces i can’t resist.
So tell me bed time stories that end with ‘once upon a time’
and deliver them in raps that never quite rhyme.
So if you think that you’re living on the last page of a book,
I’d encourage you to reconsider your outlook.
History doesn’t like me and my sarcastic questions.
Don’t you ever get sick of repeating yourself?

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Kicking Logic

I shut my senses and see a multiplicity of realities.
Variations on a theme of me, that never made it to the party.

In every now, the universe attacks with infinite facts
the mirror moment cracks, the image self sub-divides.
Which one can I call me? I can’t decide.
With logic as my bricks, I build a wall and hide.

I am a cat in a box, collapse dynamic dropped.
An unobserved life is both moving and stopped
hanging in the air, parallel, not the same.
Frozen fragments of forgotten futures fill frames.

← Back

Time Flies

It’s impossible to understand the significance of every plan you make
and how they’ll effect the steps you take; my first mistake;
arriving late in such a state that now
I have slipped through the cracks in the pavement,
I spend my days gazing up through puddles and feeling them ripple as I sigh:
Oh my, how time flies.

It seems like it was just the other day,
I could afford to look the other way,
innocence, in a sense, had such a price to pay.
now I’m so far away from I began, I feel like the ghost that used to haunt me.
but I’ll do my best to disguise:
Oh my, how time flies.

What we are now is all there has ever been,
but that implies memory is only dream.
It seemed so real when it was happening,
but now it’s clear I was imagining;
the question marks swimming across my eyes,
where does a moment go when it dies?
Hear the snowman as he cries…

← Back

St Patrick’s Well

I was hoping to return to the place that I left,
and I was hoping to find time to avenge the theft
of what was rightfully mine, the cord in my spine,
the birds in my sky and the sin in my crime.
If there’s a time and a place, I don’t know where they are,
but there’s a line on this face, in the place of a scar.
I need to vent speed, I need to let it bleed,
I need to never want, and I want to never need
but until I retrain myself to dodge the blame,
I’ll be getting wet and you’ll be getting the blame.
excuses, excuses, all waiting to be made.
I ought to write some down, before they fade.

It’s the same every year, trading our mistakes –
cards on the table having both raised the stakes.
I can spot the fakes; you are too young to lie well
but I guess it makes no difference, I’ll buy everything you sell
I know where that will take me – you won’t write me a receipt,
and once again I’ll be eggshell introduced to concrete.
I don’t take it like defeat, I’ll take it as it comes,
and coat it in rhymes and bass and drums
the commit it to tape, for its own sake.
Not for some misguided sense of fate, of late
I’ve been trying so hard to rehabilitate
and bring my art back to life, as it lies in state.

Show me the body of a saint,
show me the pictures your friends paint,
keep hidden what i’m looking for.

Tell me how your garden grows,
tell me the things that you used to know,
don’t speak of uncertain quantities.

Make me sleep while I’m awake
make we walk and stand up straight
but you don’t care for what you cannot change

Lead me to the base of a well,
pin me down where I fell,
extract a confession that suits your desire.

Refer to me by different names
as I pick flowers in the rain
I was close, but I was spare.

It was an act in aid of a test
I wait to see if i’m one of the rest
I received the results in the post.

So if I ever return, and I probably will,
keep this in mind if we repeat the drill –
that on reflection, if it seemed like a farce,
and the questions that you set were just impossible to pass
but that was the never the point, I don’t care to tick the box –
my interest lies in practice picking locks.
My mind is made, a process finally resolved.
The knot is untied. the mystery is solved.

← Back

Oh No

(features elements of ‘The Truth Behind Hip-hop – Rev John Jeremey’s attack on Bone Thugz n Harmony’)

I’m holding my pen at a different angle today,
using chards of chalk to colour my character.
Jumping over streams, getting lost in mazes of forgotten phrases.
The trees of my childhood are all cut down.
But i can feel their roots are still in the ground.
And i shut my eyes, I still hear the sound of wind in their leaves
and a flutter of feathers. an arc of flight
a bird out of sight, singing.
Just for the pleasure of it.
and i feel better for it.
But the feeling won’t last, I’m too far past the place where I fell
now all that’s left to say is ‘oh well’.

I’m holding my pen at a different angle today,
half-remembering the way somebody etched an epithet onto my arm
but the lines are long lost, to sweat and to blame,
and to pride and to shame; rivulets of blame run down my brow
stinging my eyes, making me stumble and trip.
I try to grip the rope that rings the bell,
oh well, my hands can’t form a fist.
But that doesn’t mean i’ll be grateful for anything
I’d rather starve until my stomach bursts and make a friend of my thirst
then turn to dust first.
When I’m out of rhetoric I’ve got nowhere to go.
My head is empty of thought, and I’m left with ‘Oh No’.

← Back

Arctic Fox

Eyes wide open, ears pinned back.
senses alert, my nose to the track
I’m chasing you through winter and haste,
chasing you until the day I taste
the full spectrum of flavour – I adapt my behaviour
fade into my surroundings, and spy upon my neighbours
I bide my time and lie in wait, and use all my art to achieve a state
of equilibrium – a feeling of zen
ten years could pass in the land of men.
My focus wouldn’t change, my devotion would have gained
concentration on cause and effect always the same.
I’m on the beat in the forest or on the street
and I will be until I find myself complete.
Ex-communicated from a burning church,
a heathen continues to search
for a piece of the puzzle in the puzzle of peace
peace on earth and peace underneath
this coat that covers and keeps out the cold,
but it keeps out more than I was told.
from this peak I can survey, from the fields to the bay,
but I all I want is someone to betray.
And give me a reason to be a cynic,
because at the moment, my heart’s not in it.
So with my eyes wide open and ears pinned back, I attack.
Like bacterial plaque – canines sink into a tender neck.
I rise, leave and shuffle the deck.
with verbal dexterity and musical temerity,
I talk less, though my meaning has clarity,
dreadfully concise, like my life, never think twice
never take advice or revise what I decide.
I live by instinct, not by right.
I never knew a moral to keep me warm at night.
So, if I sprint through the snow, you won’t know,
because I leave no tracks and prints won’t show.
Oh no – there’s a transgressor in the west riding,
and no-one could imagine the secrets he’s hiding,
I don’t like the way he’s smiling
an arctic fox with perfect timing.
he keeps on rhyming, to bring bad tidings.
an arctic fox with perfect timing.

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