25 November 2009

Releases Ahoy!

Posted by Dave at 5:15 pm

Newness imminent from Records on Ribs!

All The Empires of the World


Yes! After their critically acclaimed ‘Last Rites EP’, All The Empires of the World will (very) shortly be releasing their full length debut Blessings with us. It sees them moving in a slightly more progressive direction, but without toning down any of their trademark stargazing sludge. A second version- featuring contributions from members of Astrohenge, The Exploits of Elaine, …And Stars Collide and others will be out sometime in the new year too. Bonus!

Spiral Jacobs


Mr Dominic Fox has just published an excellent book. It is worth quoting the blurb in full:

To live well in the world one must be able to enjoy it: to love, Freud says, and work. Dejection is the state of being in which such enjoyment is no longer possible. There is an aesthetic dimension to dejection, in which the world appears in a new light. In this book, the dark serenity of dejection is examined through a study of the poetry of Hopkins and Coleridge, and the music of ‘depressive’ black metal artists such as Burzum and Xasthur. The author then develops a theory of ‘militant dysphoria’ via an analysis of the writings of the Red Army Fraction’s activist-theoretician, Ulrike Meinhof. The book argues that the ‘cold world’ of dejection is one in which new creative and political possibilities, as well as dangers, can arise. It is not enough to live well in the world: one must also be able to affirm that another world is possible.

And we will be releasing his excellent companion album, Prolegomenon. Eight dysphoric tracks of hopeful alienation: International Socialist Ambient Black Metal for a cold world and for a better world. Cover art from Toby Price.

EL Heath

Fresh from touring Europe with epic45, EL Heath is putting the finishing touches to an album about the long clsoed Snailbeach Lead Mines, which are near his Shropshire home. Tracks evoke the eerieness of desolation whilst purveying a sense of the clatter that once must have filled these mines. Three tracks can be heard on his myspace, including Heath’s first venture into ‘conventional’ songwriting with the heartbreaking ‘Tragedy at George’s Shaft’. We will be actively seeking donations for this release, with all proceeds going to the Shropshire Mines Trust. The new year will also see Heath release his mini-album Shropshire Hill Country via Wayside and Woodland.



We’re just a little bit excited about this one. Ga’an are a Chicago band who blend the aesthetics of prog, kraut, ambient, post-punk and black metal to create something compellingly otherworldly. They’ve self-released two tapes thus far and we’re mind-blowingly excited to be able to re-release them. Vultures of the Horn II: Living Tribunal is one of my absolute favourite pieces of music right now.

Earth Defence Force

Last but by no means least, purveyors of the finest hardcore/punk/metal Earth Defence Force will be gracing Records On Ribs with their debut album once we sort album artwork out. Recorded by production genius Ian Boult at the marvellous Stuck On A Name Recordings, Nottingham. Imminent riffs.

18 September 2009

The Stars come out tonight….

Posted by Tamsin at 11:57 am


To Leave A Mark, Les Étoiles’ homage to his home town of Brignorth, is released today, and will be launched in style at a party at Jam Cafe in Nottingham tonight. Come down from 8pm to watch Les Étoiles and El Heath perform, and listen to the ROR DJs spin some tunes whilst enjoying a delicious beer or two. If you can’t make it (and why not?), you’ll have to make do with downloading the album – it’s certainly one of my favourite records of the year so far.

8 September 2009


Posted by Dave at 8:29 pm

All The Empires of the World Announce New Album

We’re delighted to announce that AtEotW are continuing in the classic heavy metal tradition of announcing your retirement only to come back with new material. Thus spake main man Mark Thomas:

Finally! An album! We’ve decided to stop faffing around with EPs – they’re for squares: OFFICI. The provisional title is TITAN OF LIGHT

Yes. Exxxtreme slvdge kvlt epvic mvtvl. Provisional (again, because commitment is an unreliable frame of reference) track listing is as follows:

1. The Sands Of Saturn
2. Of The Father/Ghosts Of The Sargasso
3. [I Perceive Your Resonance]
4. ???? ?????
5. Titan Of Light
6. The Prophet I
7. The Prophet II: Soleil

If you’ve seen us live, you might have heard the first track – the rest are all BRAND FUCKIN NEW HOLMES. All tracks are, of course, 700 billion years long. Expect guest appearances from BARE MANS.

So now you know.

Meanwhile, the now inaccurately titled Last Rites continues to impress, making Sputnik Music’s recommended ‘Under the Radar’ releases of ’09 so far.

Leaving its Mark

Les Étoiles’ forthcoming album To Leave A Mark is more accurately titled though: a quite wonderful essay on its themes here (which we’re going to print as liner notes for physical copies) and a lovely review here. Both pieces really add worthwhile readings to this stunning album.

It is, of course, out on Friday the 18th September (as free download from here and a ltd.edition CD with photographs and lyric sheets from here and Norman Records), and we’re having a very special launch party at Jam Cafe in Nottingham to celebrate, with EL Heath and Les Étoiles playing live sets.

20 August 2009


Posted by Alex at 4:24 pm

I Don’t Know Where I Am, I Don’t Know What I’m Doing

You wait a year for a new release by Talk Less, Say More and like the proverbial bus, two come along at once. I Don’t Know Where I Am, I Don’t Know What I’m Doing is out today, the companion piece to last year’s Go Lucky, but a great record in its own right, the finest in pop music.

As some might have already noticed, we have a presence at SoundCloud. You can submit demos and that sort of thing via our DropBox. It is very well designed website indeed. Here is a track from the above for your delight.

Talk Less, Say More – You Were Right About Me by Records On Ribs

15 August 2009

It’s About Now

Posted by Alex at 2:18 pm

‘It’s About Time’ is now out and you are able to download it. Please do. It’s a really clever record, filled with inventive beats and smart rhymes and is certainly more than worth some of your, ahem, time.

14 August 2009

Militant Dysphoria

Posted by Alex at 6:03 pm

Dominic Fox is the author of the frankly brilliant Cold World that is forthcoming from the marvelous Zero Books. Via Hopkins and Coleridge as well as Ulrike Meinhof, it is a work that considers the positive political aspects of sadness, seeing dejection as a force capable of unhooking someone from the world in order to think a better one.

In celebration of the book’s release we are pleased to be putting out a record by Spiral Jacobs, one of Dominic’s music projects, entitled Prolegomenon, which will serve, indeed, as a musical prolegomenon to the work. The following video gives a hint of what to expect when it arrives in late September: spiralling blackened ambience drifting through withered forests, investigating ‘unholy minimalism’, an attempt to use the techniques of minimalist composers like Arvo Pärt but with disharmony and in the spirit of Burzum and Xasthur. Fascinatingly bleak and utterly unlike anything we have put out before.

Don’t forget, ‘It’s About Time’ by Talk Less, Say More comes out tomorrow.

7 August 2009

Polly Put The Kettle On

Posted by Dave at 1:38 pm

Calling the Kettle Blacksmith

We’re delighted to announce that we’ll be putting out the debut album by Kettle Blacksmith before too long. 97/100 people will think it’s plain stupid, 2/100 will think it’s hilarious when they’re zoned out at 3 in the morning and 1/100 will think it’s the most incredible work of genius they’ve heard this year. A lot of the time we’re in that 97/100, sometimes we’re in the 2/100 and occasionally we’re in that 1/100. Suffice to say it’s a rather surreal/stupid trip. If you imagine Peter Cook was a tramp who recorded a record with Chris Corsano you’ll be along the right lines.

Not Records on Ribs, but almost as good

In All The Empty Houses

As well as the rather spiffing new single from We Show Up On RadaR, we highly recommend you part with your cash to purchase epic45’s beautiful new mini-album In All The Empty Houses. The title track will most certainly be accompanying me to Broadcasting House when Radio 4 rectify their overlooking of me for Desert Island Discs thus far, and RoR spotters will be pleased to note that EL Heath of this parish plays on the album. He’ll be buggering off round the UK and Europe as support for their tour in the autumn too (as well as playing in their live band).


If you’re after something a little more raucous then we recommend our good friends Lovvers’ debut album OCD GO GO GO GIRLS which comes out this Monday (the 10th) on Wichita. Catchy guitar punk like what they know how to make on the other side of the Atlantic, but with some definite UK influences too.

And finally, if you’re after something a little cheaper (freer, indeed!)- but just as good- we cannot recommend Scarr & Burd’s free-to-download release ‘Mantile 12’ enough. Johnny Scarr is a legend in the Nottingham underground music scene: a finely moustache’d purveyor of top quality gigs (under the ‘Mantile’ moniker). Quite frankly I’ve no idea who this Burd person is, but together with Johnny (s)he has produced one of my favourite releases of the year so far: two long tracks of ghostly industrial ambience far far better than anything Emeralds/Oneohtrix Point Never has put out (good though those bands are). It can be downloaded for free: a physical release will be available soon and we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop. An accompanying solo release from Mr.Scarr is also available for free, although I’m yet to get round to listening to it.

6 August 2009

Pink Vinyl Rules Okay

Posted by Alex at 11:03 am

We Show Up On RadaR

Indie pop geniuses wot-we-were-very-pleased-to-put-their-album-out We Show Up On RadaR have a delicious new record in the pipeline, put out by the excellent Hello Thor Records who are also home to the marvelous Fists. It’s a double A-side single on limited-edition perfect pink vinyl featuring two ditties, Mountain Top and A Spider On A Thread, and is out on the 17th of August. The former features a Speak & Spell, which always marks a work out for my attention and is a song which captures the difficulties of getting someone to fall in love (with you) brilliantly. It is highly lickable and can be pre-purchased via the Hello Thor website.

If you go down to Nottingham Central Library on the 15th of August you are sure for a big surprise, as We Show On RadaR will be cranking out their tunes among the stacks of books – wine and cake will also be in evidence. Could get cakey, worth a punt, RSVP on Facebook.

5 August 2009

To Leave A Mark Pre-Order And Party

Posted by Alex at 2:49 pm

We are proud to announce that you can now pre-order the physical version of the new album by Les Étoiles, To Leave A Mark. The packaging is wonderful and is well worth the mere £8 you will have to part with as it contains lyrics, photographs and three additional songs not on the download version.

The record will be released both as this version and in the usual download formats on the 18th of September. We are having an album launch party on that day at Jam Café in Nottingham starting at about 8 pm. Dave will be playing naturally, and will be supported by EL Heath. The two will likely engage in some kind of live collaboration, which could be very special indeed. It will be free entry and feature a display of the album artwork and we’ll get someone with taste to play some songs in between bands and a jolly time should be had by all. Let us know your coming at Last.fm and Facebook.

14 July 2009

Where Does A Snowman Go When It Dies?

Posted by Alex at 8:34 pm

'It's About Time'

We are very proud to announce the release of the long awaited album from Talk Less, Say More‘It’s About Time’ on the 15th of August.

Jell has turned out an incredible record of utterly unprecedented abstract hip-hop. It considers the mysteries of time, space, quantum mechanics and personal relationships through shimmering futuristic production recalling Bone Thugz and Harmony, Timbaland, eDIT, Company Flow, Rustie and Flying Lotus. As ever, Talk Less, Say More effortlessly connects the abstract with the concrete through deft rhymes and inventive, twisted beats reading the hip-hop rule book as much as the Copenhagen Interpretation. Contains the absolutely gorgeous Song For Ludwig Boltzmann which I commend to you all as honestly one of my favourite songs of all time (over egging the cake a bit, but it is very good). Artwork comes from Danny Pig.

Please download the one sheet, and contact us at press@recordsonribs.com if you are a blogger or from the press and want a copy in advance for review. Or are just really anxious to get hold of it.

I Don't Know Where I Am I Don't Know What I'm Doing

This will be followed by I Dont Know Where I Am, I Dont Know What I’m Doing, a collection of additional tracks and remixes that complements last year’s critically acclaimed Go Lucky.